Making a difference by working together.
We bring the science to the community.



Diabetes WA


Supporting the continuous evaluation of their Basic Education and Diabetes Self-Management Programs. Supporting the development of new (online) programs.

We also build research capacity and consult on grant applications.

The University of Western Australia


Designing longitudinal research study and survey to assess wellbeing in healthcare workers in Western Australia. We are collaborating with six hospitals and several GP clinics in the state (see project website: EnBerg Analytics is in charge of survey development, analysing the cross-sectional and longitudinal data and reporting results, including preparing methods and results for publication.

Curtin University


We support grant writing for several projects and have been included as Associate Investigator.

Ear Science Institute Australia


We support grant writing, consulted planning for program design, implementation and evaluation using the intervention mapping protocol.

—> We were successful in obtaining funding through a targeted call from the NHMRC. The project approved is called: HearChoice, and has the aim to empowering adults with hearing loss by increasing informed choice, accessibility and uptake of hearing healthcare. This project will start in March 2023.

—> We recently put in another grant for a targeted call from the NHMRC, a project that will address loneliness and social isolation to improve wellbeing in adults with hearing loss.



Long term mental health trajectories after disasters and pandemics: A multilingual systematic review of prevalence, risk and protective factors (2022). Newnham, E.A., Mergelsberg, E.L.P., Chen, Y., Kim, Y., Gibbs, L., Dzidic, P.L., DaSilva, M.I., Chan, E.Y., Shimomura, K., Narita, Z. and Huang, Z., 2022. Clinical Psychology Review, p.102203

How to improve the diet of toddlers? The feasibility of an online, habit-based intervention targeting parental feeding behaviour (2022) Engels, L., Mons, C., Mergelsberg, E., Kothe, E., Hamilton, K., Gardner, B., ten Hoor, G. and Mullan, B. How to improve the diet of toddlers? The feasibility of an online, habit-based intervention targeting parental feeding behaviour. Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine, 10(1), pp.1020-1037

Adaption and Evaluation of a Self-Efficacy Intervention for Parental Feeding Practices (2022) Vogel, H., ten Hoor, G., Mergelsberg, E. and Mullan, B. Health Psychology Bulletin, 6(1)

Providing Evidence from Practice: Evaluating 4.5 years of Implementing Diabetes Education Support Program in Carbohydrate Management (2022). Mergelsberg, E., Olson, J., Moore, S., Jensen, J., Seivwright, H., Norman, R. & Watson, N. Patient, Education and Counseling.

Active Ingredients of Interventions Improving Smoking Cessation Support by Dutch Primary Care Providers: A Systematic Review (2022). Mergelsberg, E.L.P., DeRuijter, D., Crone, M.R., Smith, E.S., & Hoving, C. Evaluation & the Health Professions

Identifying active ingredients, working mechanisms and fidelity characteristics reported in smoking cessation interventions in Dutch primary care: a systematic review  (2021) De Ruijter, D., Mergelsberg, E., Crone, M., Smit, E., Hoving, C. Nicotine & Tobacco Research.

Covid-19 Concerns, Health Utilisation, and Social support among Western Australians with diabetes during the Pandemic (2021) Olson, J., Mergelsberg, E., Jensen, J. & Watson, N. Evaluation Journal of Australasia

Improving safe food-handling practices by increasing self-efficacy (2021) D Van Rijen, E Mergelsberg, G Ten Hoor, B Mullan. Food Control.

An intervention designed to investigate habit formation in a novel health behaviour (2021) ELP Mergelsberg, BA Mullan, V Allom, A Scott. Psychology & health 36 (4), 405-426

Extending the theory of planned behaviour to predict and increase PASS attendance and students’ performance: can academic motivation improve efficacy? (2021) Enrique LP Mergelsberg, Darren Haywood, Barbara V Mullan, Raphael Pereira, Amanda Smith, Melissa Zaccagnini, Peter J Allen. SN Social Sciences 1 (1), 1-23

The effectiveness of a marketing virtual reality learning simulation: A quantitative survey with psychophysiological measures (2021) B Sung, E Mergelsberg, M Teah, B D’Silva, I Phau. British Journal of Educational Technology 52 (1), 196-213

Investigating habit changes in lockdown: A Covid-19 study of self-care at home in the USA (2020)Astrid Basia, Frank Baughman, Jessica Charlesworth, Teagan Franz, Darren Haywood, Caitlin Liddelow, Thomas McAlpine, Barbara Mullan, Enrique Mergelsberg, Elizaveta Novoradovskaya. Health Psychology Update 29 (Special Issue), 52-53

The Asia Pacific Disaster Mental Health Network: Setting a Mental Health Agenda for the Region (2020) Elizabeth A. Newnham, Peta L. Dzidic, Enrique L.P. Mergelsberg, Bhushan Guragain, Emily Ying Yang Chan, Yoshiharu Kim, Jennifer Leaning, Ryoma Kayano, Michael Wright, Lalindra Kaththiriarachchi, Hiroshi Kato, Tomoko Osawa, Lisa Gibbs. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17

Predicting what mothers feed their preschoolers: Guided by an extended theory of planned behaviour (2019) Megan McKee, Barbara Mullan, Enrique Mergelsberg, Benjamin Gardner, Kyra Hamilton, Ashley Slabbert, Emily Kothe. Appetite 137, 250-258

Food healthiness versus tastiness: Contrasting their impact on more and less successful healthy shoppers within a virtual food shopping task (2019) Enrique LP Mergelsberg, Colin MacLeod, Barbara Mullan, Daniel Rudaizky, Vanessa Allom, Katrijn Houben, Ottmar V Lipp. Appetite 133, 405-413

An Investigation into attention Bias Modification Training: Attention Bias Assessment, Acquisition and change with the Dot-Probe Task (2019) doctoral thesis E Mergelsberg Curtin University

Forming a habit in a novel behaviour: the role of cues to action and self-monitoring (2016) B Mullan, V Allom, E Mergelsberg. EHP: Bulletin of the European Health Psychology Society 18, 686



Telehealth Services Provided by Diabetes WA - Monthly, Quarterly and Annual reports (2021 - current) Created by EnBerg Analytics, commissioned by Diabetes WA, funded by WACHS and the Department of Health.

Let’s Prevent Digital Pilot. Diabetes WA Report 2021 (2021) Created by Enberg Analytics, commissioned by Diabetes WA, supported by the WA Department of Health and funded by Lottery West

Diabetes in Remission: Consumer perspective (2021) Mergelsberg, E., Novoradovskaya,L., Watson, N., McGough, S.  Commissioned by Diabetes WA

The North-Metro Foot Initiative: Investigating care pathways to improve accessibility and quality to diabetes foot care (2021) Mergelsberg, E., Vigus, S., Seivwright, H., Novoradovskaya,L., Watson, N., McGough, S. Diabetes WA, Commissioned by WAPHA

Bi-Annual National Evaluation Report 2020-2021 (2021) Watson, N., & Mergelsberg, E. Diabetes Australia, commissioned by the Australian government

National Evaluation Report 2019-2020 (2020) Watson, N., Mergelsberg, E., & Olson, J. Diabetes Australia, commissioned by the Australian government

Study on younger and older carers in Western Australia (2015) M O’Connor, P Dzidic, L Breen, E Mergelsberg, Curtin University, commisioned by Carers WA and the Government of Western Australia Department of Local Government and Communities


Workshops and Training.

Diabetes Remission Presentation - Created a presentation for the Annual Australian Diabetes Educators Association Conference in Perth educating them about the consumers’ persepective on Diabetes Remission in WA (1 Dec 2023)

Introduction to R - Created and provided a workshop for the evaluation team at Diabetes NSW (23 March, 2021)

R Academy  - Create and provide fortnightly training sessions teaching data cleaning, management and analyses using R statistics (September 2020 onward, Research and evaluation Team, Diabetes WA)

Health Professional Development - Created and presented a webinar to health professionals across Australia: How to help your patient to appraise information in a world of information overload and fake news (19 October 2020, Diabetes WA)

Advanced Statistics - Organised and provided a yearly workshop in the Behaviour Science & Health Research Group (2016-2020, Curtin University)