Our Services

Data analyses


We treat your data with utmost care using inhouse servers. No matter the size of the files, we can clean, merge and analyse your data answering any questions you may have. We are well-versed in all kind of analyses including the most common like:

  • Descriptive analyses: showing numbers and percentages describing your data

  • Rich and in-depth qualitative data analyses: finding themes, describing the content, matching content to theory, and word clouds

  • Precise quantitative data analyses: comparing groups or conditions, assessing changes over time, predicting factors, modeling, and cost-savings

  • Data visualisation: info graphics, animations, graphs, charts, and tables

High quality evaluation


We can help with evaluation planning, designing (online) surveys, interview schedules, and setting up high quality continuous evaluation processes.

Building research capacity


We can conduct literature reviews for you to get to the bottom of any question. We can design high quality research experiments, support you in the ethical processes, manage your projects, help with recruitment, collecting your data and publish your findings in high quality and high impact journals.

Building evidence-based community programs


We can consult with you to design effective community programs and services co-designed with the target population. We can support community stakeholder engagement, plan and execute implementation of your programs and services, support in the translation and adaptation of your programs and services that will continue to do change lives in the community.

Report writing


Do you need a report for your funders, reports at the end of your projects, or summaries of events? We can write those highly technical reports or report your findings in straight forward lay language. We can also provide you an info graphic or an animation that says it all without many words.

Training and workshops


You want all the work done described on this page, but not hire an outsider every time when you need to get the work done? We provide online and face-to-face workshops, webinars or training on everything research, evaluation, and data analytics-related. Example topics ranging from research methods, data analyses skills, software use, critical thinking, writing, health psychology, behaviour change, program development and more. We take a person-centred approach to teaching that is problem-based and hands on.